Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2 - Time

Yesterday was a very busy/productive day, but I just couldn't find the *right* thing to take a picture of. Yeah, I could have taken a picture of my car getting new tires put on it or the disaster I made in the kitchen while I was cleaning out the cupboards, but I just wasn't feeling it. Well it was almost time for us to go to bed and I had realized "oh shit, I haven't taken a picture for today yet", then I hear Kaden yelling from his room that he wanted to "lay this way". I thought to my self "OMG why is this kid still awake? And just roll over if you want to lay the other way!" So I went in his room to tell him to roll over and to fix his blanket. I thought I would take a picture of the clock to document what time it was.

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