Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 - Blogging

Today, I really needed to catch up on blogging. As soon as Chris put Kaden in the bath I dove in. I got a couple of posts done before Kaden ran back out here and attacked me. I really wish I was faster at this blogging thing, but it takes me forever to upload my pictures, pick one for the day, edit and figure out what the hell I am going to write. So I took the easy way out today, I figure I'm entitled since this is my 5th post for today. Here is a pic of me blogging from Kaden's train table.

And Goodnight!

Day 29 - California Adventure

Sunday is our Disney day. As long as we aren't blocked out and don't have any other plans, you will almost always find us at Disneyland or DCA. Kaden wanted to go on a bunch of rides over at DCA yesterday, we got there right before the gates opened and it was awesome!! They walked right on to Toy Story Mania, which is pretty much unheard of. We also did a couple of things we have never done before, we watched the Disney Jr. Live on Stage show and checked out Turtle Talk with Crush. Kaden loved both! He also got to play a few games and won himself a Dumbo, which is now is new favorite "friend" that has to do everything with him. Here are a few pix from the day.

Day 28 - Shorts and a Shark Fin

It was nice and warm Saturday! We wanted to get Kaden out of the house, so Chris took him to a Bounce House place while I ran some errands. Kaden was all decked out in his cute "Rock Star" outfit, and sporting his "Shark Fin" hair. He was very excited!!

Day 27 - ?

Let's see.....what did we do?
Yeah, I have no idea. But I can tell you what I didn't do.

Yes, that blank space up above is my picture for the day. I told you I would forget to take a picture one day.
1 day out of 27 isn't so bad.

Day 26 - Penguins need to eat too

Okay, we have a lot of catching up to do.
First up...Thursday night. Kaden has been obsessed with his "friends" lately, and that night he decided that Mr. Popper's Penguin needed some dinner. So he slaved away in the kitchen and came up with this yummy penguin dinner.

I think he liked it!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 25 - Favorite bedtime book

This was my favorite book to read as a kid. It is now my favorite book to read to Kaden, I'm pretty sure it is one of his favorites too.

Day 24 - Sleep

I was so tired on Tuesday, all I wanted to do was go to bed as soon as I got home. Of course I didn't get to do that, I also hadn't put any thought into my picture for the day. So, just before a crawled into bed I took this picture with my phone. And then off to sleep I went.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 23 - Relax

Yesterday was a crazy, stressful day. As soon as Kaden went to bed I poured myself a glass of wine and sat down by the fire. It was the perfect way to relax!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 22 - Disneyland

Sunday, Chris and I renewed our Disneyland passes (Kaden's doesn't expire until Sept). Kaden has been  asking to go for the last week or so, so we decided we better take him. He pretty much just wanted to run around. We went on Small World, played in Toon Town, went on Autopia, played in the Innovations Dream Home (or what ever the hells it's called) and went on Buzz (Astro Blaster).

Day 21 - Friends

Saturday, we had plans for one of Kaden's friends to come over. We had a very busy morning getting ready for that. It was raining, but we all decided to go to the store to get the fixings to make chili for that night. Kaden loves to go to the store, he is a big helper! We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon cleaning. We pretty much only clean if someone is coming over, and then I always say "okay lets to to keep it clean this time". That usually only lasts a week or two. Okay enough rambling....
Finally it was time for Emma to come over, Kaden was so excited!
They played remote control cars, made pizza's, played trains, cars, played rock stars and pretty much just goofed around. Kaden loves to play with Emma, and they are so cute together!

Day 20 - Firewood

These next few posts are going to be short and sweet, I have a lot of catching up to do!

Friday, Kaden helped grandpa load up some firewood for us to take home. We knew it was going to be a cold a rainy weekend, so we figured we needed to stock up. Here is Kaden pulling the wagon full of wood.

All that work and we didn't even use it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 19 - Cruisin'

Kaden and I got home early yesterday, so we decided to take advantage of the little daylight we had left. Kaden rode his big wheel and I walked/jogged with him. He wanted to race, this was not pretty!
Note to self: running/jogging hurts your shins and is just really not good for you. Kaden had a blast though, he thought it was hilarious that I was "running".
Somehow I still managed to get a few pictures.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 18 - Getting creative

Painting with Celery. I made soup yesterday and decided to save the end of the celery stalk so Kaden could paint with it. I dipped it in the paint and showed him what to do. He thought I was totally weird! He was probably thinking "come on mom, what's next....painting with apples?" Hmmm and that just gave me another idea!
He finally got into it and thought it was pretty cool that the celery looked like a flower.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 17 - Smart and Talented

Yesterday I found my goofy kid doing headstands in my chair.

After uploading these pictures, I realized that he is also making a very interesting fashion statement. Dinosaurs in space maybe?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 16 - Bragging

Whenever Kaden sees me with my phone he wants to type his name and send it to Daddy, Gramma or Prampa (grampa). Last night I was responding to a text and he asked to type his name, so when I was finished I let him. He didn't ask me to send it to anyone, so I thought I would take a picture for everyone to see :)

He can spell and type Kaden by himself with no problems, he can start his middle and last name, but then needs us to tell him which letters come next. He finds them on his own and types them in, even the spaces. He gets really excited when he accidentally makes a letter uppercase, he says "look it's a BIG one!". Cracks me up!
He is so smart!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 15 - Nice and Cozy

It was freezing in our house yesterday. We don't run our heater because it messes with Kaden and I, so we decided to have a fire. It was so nice and cozy! It started to rain not too long after Chris started the fire, we sat and watched a few DVR'd TV shows and listened to the rain and thecrackling fire while Kaden napped. It was so relaxing!

Day 14 - Operation wear out the kid

Saturday, we decided to get Kaden out of the house to burn some energy. I had to go somewhere with my parents so Chris took Kaden to the park. Kaden found some girls to run around with and had a blast. Here are a couple of pictures Chris took while at the park.

After Kaden's nap we decided to head to Down Town Disney to let him run around some more. He wanted to explore around the Hotels. We checked out the Disney Hotel and the Grand Californian Hotel. We found a great spot to run around outside at the Grand Californian, there was no one out there, so he could just run wild. Here is my picture for the day, Chris was just about to attack.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13 - Oops

I tried a new recipe tonight, Apricot Glazed Pork Chops. They were really yummy, we had garlic mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli with it. I meant to take a picture of it before we ate, but after burning my hand on the scorching pan handle, I forgot. So......I took a picture of our plates when we were done, you know just to show how yummy it was.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12 - I love Target

Today, Target marked their toy clearance down to....
I have been stalking a few things to see if the prices would come down more, and they did!
I bought a couple of things last week at 50% off, I was afraid I wouldn't get them if I waiting any longer.
Here is what I got
Original price for all of this was $165.51.
I paid.....$62.76. That's a total savings of $102.75 Woohoo!!! I'm really glad I picked up the large pirate ship last week, they didn't have it today.
And yes, that is a lot of pirate stuff. Kaden decided he wants to have a Pirate birthday party this year! Perfect timing for this stuff to go on sale!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 - Chef Kaden

Kaden decided to make us dinner tonight. I had chicken, corn on the cob, a potato, half of a hamburger bun and a grape soda. Chris had carrots, which Kaden made him share with him. Haha, he totally likes me better!! Or maybe he thinks Chris is on a diet? Either way, he is a great Chef!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 - My view

It was pretty clear out this morning when I got to work, so I decided to take a picture of the view from my office. We are right above a freeway and right next to a mall, but from my office there is a pretty cool view. I can see Disneyland from here!! Look towards the top right hand corner of the picture, you can see the Matterhorn and over to the left a little, you can see the Tower of Terror at California Adventure.

Okay, the picture might be a little small for you to see Disneyland, but I can totally see it.
I think I'll take another picture of my view later in the year, so we can see how it changes.

Day 9 - Roar!

Every night we snuggle in our bed and read to Kaden before he goes to bed. And every night he runs into our room and wants to hide from one of us. Last night they were hiding from me, Kaden jumped up out of the covers with a big Roar, I pretended to be scared and snapped this.

After this, we snuggled into bed, read the 3 books that Kaden picked, snuggled some more, sang twinkle twinkle little star and off to bed he went.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 - See ya later Christmas

We finally took our Christmas stuff down today. Kaden keeps telling us Christmas is over, so we figured it was time to pack it up. He had fun helping us take the ornaments and the lights off of the tree. I think he will be sad when he notices that the lights aren't on the house anymore though. He loves to see the "Christmas houses".

The tree was pretty dry, so we moved it outside to take the lights off.

Day 7 - Visit with Oma

Yesterday we drove to Victorville to see Oma and have our Christmas with her. Kaden actually stayed awake the whole drive there. We were hoping he would nap, but there was just too much to look at. Luckily he was still in a good mood!

Kaden finally fell asleep on the drive home, of course it was about 30 min before we got home. Chris on the other hand, fell asleep about 30 min into our drive home. Boys......

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - Ouchie Foot

It hurt so bad it was funny! Kaden hurt his foot this evening, he started holding it and hopping around on one foot. He decided that was much funnier than the pain, but he kept hopping around, laughing and saying he had an ouchie foot.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5 - Leftovers

Apparently, I made enough stuff for burritos and tacos to feed an army. Tonight was our 4th night eating it and we probably have enough for a few more. Maybe we'll try tostadas tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Boys and their games

Kaden got a Leapster Explorer for Christmas and he is obsessed with it! Great gift, but OMG I hate how boys get with their games. He wants to play it all. the. time. As soon as we got home today he jumped up into my chair with it.

What happened about 30 min after this was not pretty. But it ended with the Leapster being put up for the night and Kaden spending a few min in his room before he finally got in the bath.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 - Meds

We are a mess! We have all been sick, I broke my toe on Christmas, Chris is having some problems with his foot (he actually went to the Dr. today, must be pretty bad) and Kaden and I are suffering from allergies. This is just some of the meds we are on right now.

Day 2 - Time

Yesterday was a very busy/productive day, but I just couldn't find the *right* thing to take a picture of. Yeah, I could have taken a picture of my car getting new tires put on it or the disaster I made in the kitchen while I was cleaning out the cupboards, but I just wasn't feeling it. Well it was almost time for us to go to bed and I had realized "oh shit, I haven't taken a picture for today yet", then I hear Kaden yelling from his room that he wanted to "lay this way". I thought to my self "OMG why is this kid still awake? And just roll over if you want to lay the other way!" So I went in his room to tell him to roll over and to fix his blanket. I thought I would take a picture of the clock to document what time it was.

Day 1 - Gingerbread Train

Playing catch-up. Photos were taken Jan 1st, but since I just started the blog today, we'll have to catch-up.
Kaden was very excited to finally build his Gingerbread Train. It turned out much better than last years!

And today we have a bonus photo, just because he was so proud of his train.

Here we go!

Okay, this is totally new territory for me, but I'm going to give it a shot!
I'm not much of a writer, but I love to take pictures. And since I got a fancy new Camera for my Birthday/Christmas I decided I would try this photo a day thing. Most pictures will be taken with my Canon Rebel T3 (which I am still learning to use) and some will be taken with my cell phone.

Today I realized that there are 366 days in 2012, but I decided to stick with 365, because we all know I will forget to take a picture at least one day this year :)